Tuesday, March 9, 2010



Southern Leyte State University

We come to you with our heads up high

We raise our voices Loud and clear

All hail to you Alma Mater dear.


As we leave you dear Alma Mater

Your name our hearts will bear

With pride and success we bring

To humanity we share everything


We always remember you

For making our dreams come true

The teachings that you instill in us

In you we breathe the purpose high
Chorus IAll hail to thee SLSU dear

Yonder stands the shining goal

With dedication, trust and loyalty

We'll raise thy banner together we shout.

Chorus II

All hail to thee SLSU dear

We lift to you our grateful hearts

We pledge to give you honor and cheer

To you Alma Mater dear.

Repeat II, Refrain, Chorus I and II Coda

All hail, all hail, all hail Alma Mater dear.

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